Charlotte Ralph Brunt

Charlotte Ralph Brunt was known for her impeccable taste, gracious manner, charming personality, elegant appearance, and enormous generosity. She valued quality over quantity, people over things, classic style over current trend. And every day she practiced her Christian faith with love and kindness for all creatures. Charlotte believed that to be one’s best, one should always look one’s best and for 99 years, she was the epitome of grace and elegance. It is our wish here at THE ONLY to honor her memory by sharing her thoughtfully curated Collection and memorable stories with you.

Charlotte lived a life of service to others - her family, her friends and neighbors, and her church. To commemorate her life, and in keeping with her wishes, all proceeds from the sale of The Collection will be given to her favorite charities.

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“What began as a beloved mother’s estate has evolved into so much more… it has inspired a state of being.”

Our Approach

Here at THE ONLY our goal is not just to share the rare vintage treasures that make up Charlotte’s collection, but also to continue her legacy by sourcing pieces inspired by her flawless taste. If Charlotte wore it, or would have worn it, you will find it at THE ONLY along with at least one story to take with you. What began as a beloved mother’s estate has evolved into so much more… it has inspired a state of being.

We believe there is art in how you tie a scarf. There is a statement to be made with each outfit you curate. There is magic in these timeless vintage pieces that promise to breathe new life into your contemporary wardrobe.

Let us show you.

Charlotte’s Stories

Every piece in The Collection has a story. THE ONLY Blog will feature some of Charlotte’s favorite items from The Collection and share their incredible stories, as told by her son Rex Harrison Brunt.

Please enjoy.